Hello and happy summer! We are off to a great start with our summer programming, and we have already had some awesome moments. We’re super excited to pilot a program with the Boys & Girls Club at Tyler Elementary School that takes place after summer school programming. This FREE program is for incoming K-5th students from now until June 26, from 12-5 PM. The program is open to summer school students and those who would like to attend only in the afternoon. Students are not required to attend daily and can be picked up any time before 5 PM. There may still be openings, so if you are interested, visit www.bgcncil.org to learn more and enroll today, or call 847-608-5017 for more information and to receive bilingual enrollment support. Great job to the staff and students for an exciting start to the summer!

This will be the last monthly message designed this way. We are upgrading and updating! I want to continue to share more about our students and schools from different perspectives, so beginning in August, we will be moving to a quarterly newsletter that will include updates from all of our departments. There will be no July message, but we’ll be ready to kick things off in August with a review of activities to date and upcoming information for September. I am excited to introduce the new format, and I hope you like it. As always, I appreciate your feedback and helping us make some tweaks if needed.
FFA students planting downtown containers We have so much to celebrate for our students, including promotions, matriculations, and graduations! Our students finished May strong and were outstanding ambassadors for our District in Track and Field, at music competitions, the state Badminton tournament held at DHS, the state bass fishing tournament, helping to beautify our downtown, and more! Hooray to all!
Enjoy your break and be ready for the comeback on August 14 for grades 1-12 and on August 19 for Pre-K and Kindergarten. Also, don’t forget that we will be out and about with our ice cream socials on the week of August 5. More information will be shared through email and social media. New Hope Church’s Back to School bash is on August 10, from 11 am-1 pm, at the Sports and Recreation Center, 1765 S 4th St. Dekalb.
Don’t blink because summer will fly by. Be safe.